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Hydrogen Water Australia

Over 300+ published studies and 1000+ scientific articles​

What is Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water is normal water (H2O) with extra molecule hydrogen (H2) dissolved into it.

Hydrogen water still unknown by most of us in the West, it’s produced every day in your gut, and it is known as an inert element. So… why drink hydrogen-rich water?

Although the research in Hydrogen water is in the early stages, the 1000+ scientific articles suggest that ingesting or inhaling Hydrogen (H2) has beneficial effects in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body.

For more information on these studies visit the Molecular Hydrogen Institute website www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com

Hydrogen Water Benefits:

For Athletes

The ability of molecular Hydrogen to give Athletes greater endurance,
faster recovery, and extended performance is now an accepted fact.

"Pure water is the base for performance. I discovered that alkaline water has additional benefits to ordinary filtered water or minerally depleted reverse osmosis water. More research is also becoming available to demonstrate the performance enhancement aspects of hydrogen-rich, structured water… red blood cell movement depends on optimal pH and hydration. I’ve been drinking this water for a year now and it’s certainly been the healthiest, happiest, strongest year of my life so far!"
Keegan Smith
Performance Coach

Hydrogen Water Benefits:

And Your Health

Over 300+ published studies and 1000+ scientific articles.

For more information on these studies visit the Molecular Hydrogen Institute website molecularhydrogeninstitute.com

"As a Doctor, what was important to me was that the specifications on the product being sold could be scientifically substantiated and that the quality of the system was not compromised as the result of its affordability. All of the other companies selling Alkaline machines were unable to provide me any conclusive information to substantiate their sales pitch. Cassie from AlkaWay satisfactorily answered all of my questions. The big difference between the UltraStream and electronic ionizers is simplicity – just plug it into your water supply and you have pure high-quality Alkaline water. You do Not need a 40-page manual to operate."
Dr Mervyn St.Clare, Florida
Medical Doctor

Hydrogen Water:

For Everyday Life

The ability of molecular Hydrogen to give greater endurance, faster
recovery, and extended performance also extends into non-athletic life.

Alternate Delivery Methods:

Hydrogen Sources

Hydrogen water is not the only way to get Molecular Hydrogen. Here are some other ways.

Delivery Methods:

Which is best

Everyone is different and we can all benefit from these methods. choosing the right one for you and your family is the key.

Hydrogen Water Frequently Asked Questions

Spend a few minutes on the Molecular Hydrogen Institute’s website where you’ll find over 1,000 scientific studies on the beneficial effects of molecular hydrogen.

Yes. We’ve seen no side effects over 20 years.

No side effects have been seen.

Hydrogen Water Products

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Authority. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For this reason, we make no therapeutic or medical claims.